Well, I’ve got a backlog of news, but I’ll start with the Head of the Charles. I rowed in the Mens Club Eights on Saturday with the MIT Rowing Club. Results are here. We had very windy conditions (at least it wasn’t raining) which resulted in an extra-painful race and slow times for everyone. We did beat several boats, including Harvard Law, which we were especially excited about because they beat us in a 2K last spring. I am in the process of collecting pictures from the race, and when I get all of them, I’ll post them.

This past weekend I rowed in an 8 in the Textile River Regatta in Lowell,MA. It was pretty miserable. It rained most of the day, and our race was delayed by over an hour, except the launch coordinator didn’t have a radio ro something, so he sent us out to the finish line where we sat for over an hour in the cold rain, rowing backwards and spinning the boat in circles for no particular reason.

On Wednesday I presented a poster on the work I did over the summer at Lawrence Livermore at a Materials Day poster presentation. Like usual, nobody was interested in my poster once they realized it was about math and involved Green’s function, and most people didn’t seem to understand the significance of reducing a O(N logN) algorithm to O(N). I also realized that it’s impossible for a modeling poster to every win any awards (except at modeling conferences, of course) because when everyone else is describing how they want to stop global warming by putting viruses on transparent conducting bio-nano-spheres or something, you’re talking about math. And not that my poster was really award-worthy to begin with.