This past weekend my research group went on a ski trip to Sunday River, where we benefited from the 30+ inches of snow that fell on Wednesday of last week. I also got almost all of Sunday River’s chairlifts mapped with my GPS receiver. Pretty soon I will begin writing some code to analyze the track logs I generate by skiing with the GPS.

My GPS skiing project is now officially underway, and I’ve set up a database to keep track of chairlift positions at ski resorts. I will use the database later for computing mountain stats and for analyzing tracklogs generated by skiing with the GPS receiver in my pocket. Google maps is useful for displaying the lifts I have in my database.

Last weekend I went on the MIT GSC Ski trip to Sunday River. We had an awesome time, despite the fact that Sunday River continues to groom every square inch of their mountain. I stayed in a condo with a bunch of people from the Langer Lab. The best part was, when we were leaving on Sunday afternoon, the bus was backing out of the parking lot put its back wheels into a snow bank, and got stuck! They had to call in some huge hick-sized tow truck which eventually got the bus out, but at this point the back wheels on the bus were bent sideways. So they had to call in a new bus from BOSTON! Overall it added ~8hrs to our trip, but at least we got free beer and food at the Sunday River base lodge! Here are some pictures taken by other people in my condo:

Grace’s Pictures

Abe’s Pictures