On Wednesday I presented a poster on the work I did over the summer at Lawrence Livermore at a Materials Day poster presentation. Like usual, nobody was interested in my poster once they realized it was about math and involved Green’s function, and most people didn’t seem to understand the significance of reducing a O(N logN) algorithm to O(N). I also realized that it’s impossible for a modeling poster to every win any awards (except at modeling conferences, of course) because when everyone else is describing how they want to stop global warming by putting viruses on transparent conducting bio-nano-spheres or something, you’re talking about math. And not that my poster was really award-worthy to begin with.
Author Archives: Dan
Well, tonight I was supposed to be going to the Red Sox vs Devil Rays game, but somehow I managed to lose my tickets! And these were awesome $85 pavillion box seats that I lucked out to get on Craigslist trade with much less expensive tickets to a game I couldn’t attend. I’ve spent so much time trying to trade tickets the past few weeks after the Sox tanked, and finally something worked out. I frantically ran back and forth between my appartment, lab, and the boat house searching for the tickets, but finally gave up. But I was so angry, that even after the game started I kept looking in the same few places in my room. I think the tickets must have dropped out of my messenger bag. Anway, at least I missed seeing the Sox losing 11-0.
This server has had an exciting couple of days. I did a kernel upgrade hoping to fix some USB related hardware conflicts, and after the upgrade it wouldn’t boot. After screwing around with the boot loader for a long time, I finally got it booted. But then my raided hard disks would not mount. I have most stuff working again, but there are definitely more problems than before the upgrade. I broke rule #1 and paid for it – never upgrade anything that is working.