A few weeks ago MIT finally added Discovery Channel to their cable channel selection (which still doesn’t include ESPN or Comedy Central, but that’s entirely deserving of its own rant). I was watching discovery channel and learned of the existance of Ligers, as from Napoleon Dynamite – It’s pretty much my favorite animal. It’s a mix of a lion and tiger, bread for its skills in magic. Apparently Ligers don’t recieve some growth supressing gene, and as a result they are huge – like 1400lbs!
Category Archives: Funny
I am so stupid. I wrote a bash script to shutdown a computer cluster. I wanted to run the script at a specific time, so I set up a cron job. I also wanted to test the cron job and was impatient, so I set it to run every minute. Now I have a computer that shuts off 1 minute after being turned on.